Most of us, if not all, have people in our lives who have taught us valuable things. Things that we just do not forget. From parents to that unique teacher who had the ability to make a topic interesting and exciting. Sometimes it was the ability of that certain person to “connect” with you who made the difference with passing that required course. We may call that person a role model or mentor.
SMRA, to help those new hams from being discouraged for lack of support or camaraderie, is embarking on a new project to support, assist and mentor new hams. Most of us “hams” have a handful of people that we go to for help with our hobby. Many new hams or new –to- the- hobby hams often don’t know who to go to for assistance, so SMRA’s new program, that began in November 2020, is designed to assist those new and even more experienced hams with a program called Meet the Mentors, (MTM).
The design of the program is simple, the first Tuesday of each month at 1900 hours (7PM) there will be three 5-10 minute presentations by SMRA members/Mentors about basic Ham radio topics, presented virtually by way of JTSI. Time will be made and discussions encouraged with questions, answers by Mentors and follow-on questions with answers by Mentors. Questions will focus on that which the new members want to discuss and not necessarily about the topics of the evening.
The goal of the MTM sessions is to help new hams learn more about our great hobby.
More information will be coming soon, so stand by for updates.
Below are some presentations already scheduled with volunteer presenters:
- Hamming on a budget
- Discussion of terms; USB, LSB, CW, SSB, SDR, and many more
- Basic RF propagation
- What is a good outside 2 meter antenna, and do I need lightening arrestors?
- How do I get information about all the local repeaters?
- Why are antennas so expensive, can I make a good one by myself and on a budget?
- Where is the full band-plan by bands, modes, license, classes?
- What is ARRL and W1AW?
- How do I use the SMRA groups i/o?
- What are Q signals, grid squares?
- Learning Morse Code
- Where can I buy new and used equipment?
- What 2-meter and HF rigs do you recommend?
New hams should run not walk to MTM as a way to make real progress in their newly chosen hobby.
There is no fee and all Mentors are experienced hams and SMRA members who are gladly giving of their time and talent solely to help new hams.
For further information, please EMAIL John Jaminet, W3HMS at w3hms@aol.com or Don Evans, K3ZR at K3ZR55@Outlook.com