
NOTE: The login feature has been disabled for this website. This site is now the “Public Face” of the SMRA Radio Club and is available for anyone to view and learn about the SMRA Radio Club.

SMRA members have received and invite to join SMRA@groups.io and should do so in order to gain access to more information available to members only.

We have created new Groups hosted at groups.io. You can use these groups to…

  • Communicate with other club members.
  • Post items for sale.
  • Request items that other members my want to part with or sell.
  • Share interesting articles or sites related to our hobby.
  • Other communication related to our hobby….

to request access to our groups.io site please send an email to
SMRA-Admin@groups.io Please provide your name, email and call sign. We’ll send you an invite upon verification.

73 Karl – W3KBG