We want to invite everyone to our Meet the Mentor (MTM) jitsi meeting Tuesday the 30th at 8 PM. In it, John – W3HMS will give an overview of the program and invite any questions you may have, (about MTM or Amateur Radio). The meeting will be as long or short as you want it. All we ask is for you to enter your first name when you log-on.
Please Join us Tuesday March 30th @ 8PM Eastern Time
How to connect to the N3TWT2020SMRAMonthlyMeeting:
Point your browser to: https://meet.jit.si/N3TWT2020SMRAMonthlyMeeting
, then approve access to your camera and microphone if a pop-up requests it. To conserve bandwidth please set your webcam to low resolution mode and/or turn off your webcam after checking in.
•Please sign-in using your first name and callsign.
If calling in by phone use this number and pin: +1.512.647.1431, PIN: 931017858#