The South Mountain Radio Amateurs (SMRA) General Meeting will occur tonight at 7:00 PM as a web meeting. Please join us if you can. The attached files may be useful to you during or after the meeting. Our goal is to conclude the meeting after one hour and 30 minutes.
How to connect to the N3TWT2020SMRAMonthlyMeeting:
Point your browser to: https://meet.jit.si/N3TWT2020SMRAMonthlyMeeting
, then approve access to your camera and microphone if a pop-up requests it. To conserve bandwidth please set your webcam to low resolution mode and/or turn off your webcam after checking in.
•Please sign-in using your first name and callsign.
If calling in by phone use this number and pin: +1.512.647.1431, PIN: 931017858#
Here are links to Document to follow along with
Presidents Message 17November2020 Jit.si WEB Meeting_A.pdf
SMRA Meet The Mentors for 17 Nov 2020 at 16 Nov 2020BU.pptx